Birthdays are all about sharing
8 year of Benedict!
Join our celebration with breakfast specials and cocktails for 8Є served (Mon-Fri) every evening in Wilmersdorf and mornings in Prenzlaur Berg!

Whether it's early in the morning or even middle of the night. Get ready to enjoy. Your Benedict breakfast is on its way

don't over think, start day drink
Mimosa monday
Kickstart your week with a little sparkle! All of our delicious Mimosa selection for just 6€ every Monday
all about breakfast
Our menu
According to the dictionary definition – breakfast is the first meal most often eaten in the early morning. According to Benedict – breakfast is a way of life! so welcome to the wonderful world of Benedict!

Order, Pick-up, Enjoy
Benedict Picnic Shop
Outdoors or in bed, now you can enjoy Benedict anytime, anywhere.
Our Location
Uhlandstraße 49 Berlin, 10719 Germany
Monday-Friday: 8:00-22:00; Saturday -Sunday: 8:00-23:00
Join us
we are hiring
Are you a breakfast person? Come on over! We are hiring experienced Cooks | Baristas | Hosts | Waiters (M/F/D)
The Sweetest gift of all!
Benedict's Gift Card
Most important meal of the day and best present for the people you love!
Rise and Shine
Benedict Bakery
We're serious about freshness. Our bakers are up early, really early, to bring you fresh, delicious goods - hand baked daily in-house. Beware - some hard choices await you at our Benedict Bakery!
good morning sunshine
BEnedict music
Take your Benedict experience wherever you go and enjoy our favourite breakfast playlists